Creative Digital Agency

Sign up, sign up! To your very own email newsletter campaign!

by The DrimTeam

In other words, ‘how to get in your customers’ pockets - legally’. The days of huge marketing campaigns that speak to everyone and communicate with no one are over; with email marketing you can now target, monitor and refine every aspect of your promotions. It’s easy, it’s cost-effective, and it’s really quite exciting.

So, how could an eNewsletter benefit your brand?

1. Quality, not quantity.

A strong marketing campaign builds relationships with existing customers first. Focusing your attention on an audience that has expressed interest in your brand (i.e. by signing up for emails) means that people are already paying attention. Email newsletter campaigns can be stronger than social media drives, where a multitude of posts can minimise the impact of your message.

2. eNewsletters encourage real communication.

People want to interact with people. A newsletter is a great opportunity to show off your organisation’s personality. Highlighting company milestones, introducing new staff members and offering genuinely interesting and helpful information will demonstrate just how dynamic and exciting your brand is. People remember those little touches; they’ll remember your brand.

3. They offer efficient delivery of results...

The amazing technology we have today makes it possible to analyse click-through rates, unsubscribe rates and monitor customer engagement with the newsletter, enabling you to craft a really effective and efficient campaign as you quickly identify what’s working and what’s not.

4. …as well as being fantastically adaptable across multiple platforms.

Email newsletters perfectly suit the modern smartphone user carrying their entire inbox in their pocket; the ‘mobile-first’ ethos of responsive eNewsletters makes them hugely accessible, available to be read whenever and wherever on any mobile device.

Stand out, communicate and build customer relationships with an ingenious eNewsletter campaign!

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Did you know? The company founders met as high school students, proving that a great friendship and a lot of hard work can go a long way.

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